Back to School and Routine

Jolted out of bed by an early-morning alarm clock ringing and into the classroom often as early as 8am, kids sometimes need help making the shift from lazy days of summer to the school routine.
We asked Happier Living licensed psychologist Michele Bechor to share with us her insights on how we as families can navigate the shift smoothly. Dr. Bechor holds a PhD in Clinical Science in Child & Adolescent Psychology.
“In transitioning from summer to the new school year, families can get overwhelmed with the new routine,” she says. “The return to school demands organization, consistency, starting new things and spending a lot of time apart.”
Dr. Bechor recommends thinking of your family as the team it is. “All of you share common goals, some of you ‘pull rank,’ and all follow the same expectations that help you remain on the team,” she says. “Do what teams do - huddle!” One way to do this is by setting a dedicated time each week or every two weeks, even just for 10 minutes, in which you are all together. It doesn’t have to be fancy, she says. “These times can be during car rides, during mealtimes, or before bedtime. Take these times to share a ‘high point’ and ‘low point’ of the last few days, share any ‘stucks,’ set any goals and recognize highs and lows in one another.”
Think about what policies schools use to run like organizations: regular meetings, pre-set schedules, clear roles of those who belong and expectations understood by all members. “We all knew what behaviors in school got us the honor roll and what behaviors led to detention,” says Dr. Bechor. “Similarly, set expectations as a family.”
She suggests deciding on a weekly fun experience that “the team” gets to do together - or doesn’t get to do together - depending on how the week goes. If the week doesn’t go as planned, discuss what everyone can do to “earn” it for the next week as a team.
Go team!